The HYPOSPRAY is STARFLEET Medical’s online webzine and is produced quarterly.
All editions of the webzine may be found on the STARFLEET Medical Facebook Group in the featured posts section.
If a STARFLEET Medical or any other member of STARFLEET International wishes to offer submissions for consideration please see the details at the bottom of this page for guidelines.
New issues of HYPOSPRAY are published quarterly on March 15th, June 15th September 15th and December 15th of each year.
Submissions for each edition will close a month before publishing, thus on February 15th, May 15th August 15th and November 15th of each year.
We welcome any articles that have a medical theme, be it real-world medical or star trek fiction. We also accept pictures that have relevance to STARFLEET Medical, as well as submissions from kids for the Kids Corner section (we encourage kids to get involved as long as they have an adult supervising them).
We reserve the right to use submissions in subsequent editions of the Hypospray if it is either not deemed suitable for the current edition in production or is submitted past the cut-off date for submissions. We also reserve the right to not use any submissions if they are also not suitable for the webzine.
Any sources that are used in the creation of any submission should be referenced at the bottom of the article or piece, preferably with an accompanying weblink.
Please make sure your piece has been proof-read to help reduce the workload on our hard-working editors.
When submitting your article, you will need to add your name and your Chapter, and any other relevant SFI roles you may hold.
Please submit any written text in 12 point font in either Word (.doc) or text format (.rtf or.txt) with as little formatting as possible.
Hypospray submissions may be emailed to: