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Core Medical Training Program

coreThe CORE Medical Training Program consists of ten (10) training levels, with each core level consisting of ten (10) Starfleet Fandom Academy courses, giving a total of 100 courses to be completed.

The levels must be completed in order, commencing with level one (1), and certification in each level is available by submitting a completed medical training record form (see below) to

Please include certificates or screenshots from the SFI database/course page as proof of course completion.

On completion of on the tenth (10th) CORE Level, you will be issued with graduation certificate and the CORE Medical Training Program Graduate Award will be entered into the SFI database.

 Please keep in mind: When completing multiple courses from the same College, the maximum number of courses you can have submitted at one time is ten (10). That means that you need to wait for the Director to enter your grades (up to 10 days) into the SFI database before you are allowed to submit another ten (10) courses. This is to ensure that Starfleet Academy Directors are not overwhelmed.

While these core levels have all been named, no inference should be taken that a member wishing to serve STARFLEET Medical in any role needs to complete the courses at the level that shares their title or that by completing a level confers any related position or rank.

Click here for the latest STARFLEET Medical – Training Manual (v 2.3, August 2023)

Disclaimer: This STARFLEET Medical program is entirely fictitious and created for entertainment purposes only. It is not associated with any recognised or accredited institution, organisation, or governing body. It does not represent any legitimate qualifications or certifications and does not grant any authority, expertise, or credibility in any real-world setting.