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SFMD Certification Program

 The first qualification you can tackle as a new member to Starfleet Medical is your Starfleet Medical Doctor (SFMD) certification.
Completion of MDPR101 Introduction to Human Medicine from Starfleet Fandom Academy. If anyone has completed the previous equivalent award (COM 101 Basic Doctorate) and wish to have their SFMD certification recognised, please submit proof of that award instead.
You will issued with a SFMD Certification certificate, you will be entitled to use the post nominals “SFMD” after your name for all Starfleet International business and and the SFMD Certification award will be entered into the SFI database.
e.g. CMDR John Citizen SFMD
After you complete your SFMD certification, you may want to explore the following STARFLEET Medical Training Programs:
Click here for the latest STARFLEET Medical – Training Manual (v 2.3, August 2023)
Disclaimer: This STARFLEET Medical program is entirely fictitious and created for entertainment purposes only. It is not associated with any recognised or accredited institution, organisation, or governing body. It does not represent any legitimate qualifications or certifications and does not grant any authority, expertise, or credibility in any real-world setting.